Monday 15 October 2007

An Eastern Poem

Woman a Hymn
We wonder
Whether she wins or loses
Earth chooses her as the
Hyperion of her earthly sphere
She is the essence of the will
To be. Woman the emblem that
Has been heightened, hallowed
Held and lost
Tossed upon the Eternal Crest of Sun,
She is the soul that made her bold
To follow
And Eve then she follows him.

Woman a Hymn.
In the bewildering Buoyancy
And vagary of the Earth
Its mellifluous mingling of parts
Man, Woman, Child
All Grain and Grist
Not knowing where they come from
Not knowing where they go
Mankind suave in his flood of tears
Woman morose and mollified
Ever awake for she will never sleep
Woman so very deep
The heap upon which fell the
Sight of Him as a Hymn
Woman a Hymn to society
Was awe with intelligent eyes
Lissom face, a sad dark girl.


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